I’m Out of Children’s Medicine. Can I Give Half An Adult Dose?
It is never a good idea to give your child OTC treatments designed for adults. You can do no better than guess at how much your child might need, and some remedies are specifically formulated for adults and should not be administered to children. For that reason, avoid any products not specifically labeled for use in infants, babies, or children with the words “for pediatric use.”
Don’t Call OTC Medicine “Candy.”
You may be tempted to call medicine “candy” in order to encourage your children to take it. But it’s not a good idea. Little kids love to imitate the adults in their lives. To make sure you’re setting the best possible example, consider these tips:
Try to avoid taking medicine in front of your children, whether it’s for a prescription or over-the-counter.
Never call any medication “candy.”
Avoid rewarding children with medication that tastes sweet — children’s vitamins included. Instead, offer a favorite drink after medicine has been administered to help wash away the taste.