Can I Travel Out of Nigeria During NYSC?

Can I Travel Out of Nigeria During NYSC?

Many young Nigerians who have completed their tertiary education are required to participate in the NYSC program, which is a one-year mandatory service to the nation.

During this period, they are posted to different states and sectors to work and contribute to the development of the country.

However, some of them may have personal or professional reasons to travel out of Nigeria during their service year. Is this possible? What are the rules and procedures for doing so?

This blog post will try to answer these questions and provide some useful tips for those who are considering traveling
abroad while serving.

Can You Travel Out of Nigeria During NYSC?

First of all, it is important to note that traveling out of Nigeria during NYSC is not illegal, but it is not encouraged either. The NYSC management expects corps members to be fully committed to their service and to avoid any unnecessary distractions or interruptions.

Therefore, traveling abroad should only be done for valid and urgent reasons, such as medical emergencies, academic opportunities, family issues, etc.

Traveling for leisure, tourism, or entertainment is not considered a valid
reason and may attract sanctions from the NYSC authorities.

Secondly, if you have a valid reason to travel out of Nigeria during your service year, you need to obtain a written permission from your state coordinator. You should write a formal letter stating your name, call-up number, place of primary assignment (PPA), destination, duration, and purpose of your trip.

You should also attach any relevant documents or evidence to support your request, such as medical reports, admission letters, invitation letters, etc. You should submit your letter and documents to your local government inspector (LGI) or zonal inspector (ZI), who will forward them to the state coordinator for approval. You should do this at least two weeks before your intended date of departure.

Thirdly, if your request is approved by the state coordinator, you will receive a travel clearance letter that will allow you to leave the country and re-enter without any problems. You should keep this letter with you at all times and present it whenever you are asked by any NYSC official or security agent.

You should also inform your employer at your PPA about your trip and arrange for a suitable replacement or alternative arrangement for your duties. You should also notify your LGI or ZI about your departure and arrival dates and provide them with your contact details abroad.

Finally, you should be aware of the implications and consequences of traveling out of Nigeria during your service year. You should know that you will not receive any allowance or stipend from the NYSC for the period that you are away.

You will also miss out on some important activities and events that are part of the NYSC program, such as monthly clearance, community development service (CDS), orientation course (for those who redeployed), passing out parade (POP), etc. You may also face some challenges in adjusting back to your PPA and resuming your service when you return.

Therefore, you should weigh the pros and cons of traveling abroad and make sure that it is worth it.

In conclusion, traveling out of Nigeria during NYSC is possible but not advisable. You should only do so for genuine and compelling reasons and with proper authorization from the NYSC management. You should also be prepared for the possible effects and outcomes of your decision and take full responsibility for it.

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