How Many Times Does NYSC Mobilize in a Year?

How Many Times Does NYSC Mobilize in a Year?

If you are a Nigerian graduate who is interested in participating in the NYSC program, you might be wondering how many times the NYSC mobilizes in a year.

The answer is not straightforward, as the NYSC mobilization process depends on various factors, such as the availability of funds, the number of graduates, the security situation, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, in this blog post, we will try to explain the basics of the NYSC mobilization process and give you some tips on how to prepare for it.

What is NYSC mobilization?

Mobilization is the process of organizing and preparing Corps Members for their one-year service year. It is a crucial stage in the NYSC program as the NYSC mobilization will introduce fresh graduates to the NYSC program. Just see the mobilization process as the preparation stage, and it is very important.

NYSC Mobilization Process

The NYSC mobilization process involves several steps, such as:

1. Internal mobilization : This is when Corps Producing Institutions (CPIs), such as universities and polytechnics, submit their Senate/Academic Board approved result lists to the NYSC headquarters for verification and approval.

2. Release of the NYSC Senate list : This is when the NYSC publishes the names of eligible graduates who have been approved by their CPIs on its official website. The Senate list serves as a confirmation that you are qualified to register for the NYSC program.

3. JAMB matriculation : This is when you check your name on the JAMB matriculation list to ensure that your admission is valid and recognized by JAMB. This is important because only candidates who are on the JAMB matriculation list will be issued with
certificates of national service upon completion of their service year.

How many times does NYSC mobilize in a year?

The NYSC usually mobilizes graduates in batches throughout the year. The number of batches and their names may vary from year to year depending on various factors.

For instance, in 2019, there were four batches: A, B, C and Cb(Stream II).

  • In 2020, there were three batches: A (Stream I and II), B and C.
  • In 2021, there were also three batches: A (Stream I and II), B and C.

The NYSC mobilization timetable is usually released by the NYSC management before each batch to inform prospective corps members of the dates and deadlines for each step of the mobilization process. The timetable can be accessed on the NYSC website or social media platforms.

The duration of each batch may also vary depending on various factors. For instance, in 2019, Batch A lasted from
March to June, Batch B lasted from June to October, Batch C lasted from October to February 2020, and Batch C (Stream II) lasted from November 2019 to March 2020.

In 2020, Batch A (Stream I) lasted from March to June, Batch A (Stream II) lasted from August to November, Batch B lasted from November 2020 to February 2021, and Batch C lasted from January to April 2021.

In 2021, Batch A (Stream I) lasted from March to June, Batch A (Stream II) lasted from May to August, Batch B lasted from August to November, and Batch C lasted from October 2021 to January 2022.

Therefore, based on these examples, we can say that the NYSC usually mobilizes graduates three or four times in a year. However, this may change depending on various factors beyond our control.

How to prepare for NYSC mobilization?

If you are a prospective corps member who wants to participate in the NYSC program, you should prepare yourself adequately for the NYSC mobilization process. Here are some tips on how to do so:

  • Check your name on the Senate list: You should regularly check the NYSC portal to see if your name has been uploaded by your CPI on the Senate list. If your name is not on the list, you should contact your CPI to rectify the issue as soon as possible.
  • Check your name on the JAMB matriculation list : You should also check the JAMB portal to see if your name is on the matriculation list. If your name is not on the list, you should print your JAMB admission letter and result slip and submit them to your CPI for verification and upload.–
  • Online registration : This is when you fill in your bio-data, educational qualifications, preferences for state of deployment, skills acquisition program, etc. on the NYSC portal. You will also upload some documents, such as your passport photograph, school identity card, medical certificate of fitness, marriage certificate (if applicable), etc. You will also pay a fee of N2,786.24 to enable you to print
    your call-up letter online or opt to collect it from your CPI.
  • Orientation camp : This is when you report to the orientation camp assigned to you by the NYSC for a three-week training program that will introduce you to the objectives, activities, and expectations of the NYSC program. You will also receive your kits, allowances, posting letters, and other relevant information at the orientation camp.


The NYSC mobilization process is an important stage in the NYSC program that prepares graduates for their one-year service year. The NYSC usually mobilizes graduates three or four times in a year depending on various factors.

We hope this blog post has answered your question on how many times does NYSC mobilize in a year. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to share them below.

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