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It’s Time for a Dose: Should I Wake My Sick Child Up?

It’s Time for a Dose: Should I Wake My Sick Child Up?

It’s Time for a Dose: Should I Wake My Sick Child Up?

One of the best common cold remedies is rest, so let your children sleep as much as they need to. If you need to skip a dose of over-the-counter medicine so that your child may sleep longer, go ahead and skip the medicine. Remember: you’ll have a chance to administer that medicine again when your child wakes up, or possibly the next morning. Take your child to a doctor if he or she has been taking an OTC medicine for four days or longer.

Does It Really Matter Whether I Use a Kitchen Spoon For Medicine?

It can make a difference. Common kitchen spoons vary in size. It is safer to use the cup or spoon that comes with over-the-counter medication.
Wondering what to do if no measuring device came with the medication? The label will recommend something like 2 teaspoons be administered. In that case, use an actual dosing cup or measuring spoon that comes with teaspoon marks. You can then rest easy knowing you’ve given him or her the right amount.

Should I Give Another Dose if My Child Vomits?

So the first dose didn’t agree with your child, who went and spit it out or vomited after taking medicine. A concerned parent may want to follow up with another full dose, but don’t do it. Some of that medication may have been absorbed, and if you give another full dose you risk overdosing him or her.
It’s better to call the pediatrician in times like this. If your child tends to spit up medication because he or she doesn’t like it, ask your pharmacist if it’s alright to mix the remedy with a bit of food or drink.

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