What Happens If You Skip NYSC?

What Happens If You Skip NYSC?

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) is a one-year mandatory service program for Nigerian graduates who are below the age of 30. The aim of the program is to foster national unity, integration and development among the youth.

However, some graduates may be tempted to skip or evade the service for various reasons, such as personal, academic or professional commitments. But what are the consequences of skipping NYSC?

According to the NYSC Act, any person who fails to report for service in the service corps as directed by the Directorate or by the State Coordinator; or refuses to make himself available for service in the service corps continuously for the period specified in subsection (2) of this section, is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of N2,000 or imprisonment for a term of twelve months or to both such fine and imprisonment.

Moreover, any member who leaves his duty station or absents himself from any official activity without the permission of the State Coordinator shall be tried by the Corps Disciplinary Committee and, if found guilty, be liable to extension of service with half pay double the period of absence.

Therefore, skipping NYSC is not only illegal but also detrimental to your career prospects. You may not be able to secure a job in the public or private sector, as most employers require the NYSC discharge or exemption certificate as part of their recruitment criteria.

You may also not be able to further your education in Nigeria or abroad, as most institutions also demand the NYSC certificate as a prerequisite for admission.

Furthermore, you may miss out on the opportunities and benefits that come with serving your country, such as
networking, skill acquisition, community development and patriotism.

In conclusion, skipping NYSC is not worth the risk. It is better to comply with the law and complete your service with diligence and dedication.

You will not only avoid legal troubles but also gain valuable experience and knowledge that will enhance your personal and professional growth.

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